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Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers.
Neil Z. Miller
Many people sincerely believe that all vaccines are safe, adverse reactions are rare, and no peer-reviewed scientific studies exist showing that vaccines can cause harm. This book ― Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies ― provides the other side of the story that is not commonly told. It contains summaries of 400 important scientific papers to help parents and researchers enhance their understanding of vaccinations.
"This book should be required reading for every doctor, medical student and parent. Reading this book will allow you to make better choices when considering vaccination." ―David Brownstein, MD
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
by Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk
Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have undergone a transformation from disease cesspools to much safer, healthier habitats. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true? Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated.
Vaccinationer : risker och skador
Dr Mayer Eisenstein og Niel Z. Miller
Svensk utgave av: "Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots "
Ska jag låta vaccinera mig och mitt barn?Denna guide till de vanligaste barn- och vuxenvaccinerna i både USA och Sverige tar upp de risker som finns vid en vaccination och vilka skador som kan uppkomma – information som i dag inte är lätt att få tag i på svenska.Barnvaccinationsprogrammet i både USA och Sverige är så trångt att barn får flera vacciner under ett enda besök – upp till sex vacciner på en och samma gång i Sverige. Föräldrar och läkare glömmer ofta att vacciner är läkemedel. Hur ofta tar vi som vuxna så många läkemedel samtidigt? Vad skulle göra oss mest förvånade: att vi fick biverkningar eller att vi inte fick det? I denna bok får du bland annat lära dig: • Hur utbredda och allvarliga de sjukdomar är som myndigheterna rekommenderar vaccination mot, inklusive vem som löper störst risk att drabbas av dessa sjukdomar. • Vilka biverkningar och skador varje vaccin kan ge, med sammanfattningar av de viktigaste forskningsstudierna. • Vilka vacciner som ingår i det svenska barnvaccinationsprogrammet och hur mycket aluminium de innehåller.”Ett absolut måste för medicinsk personal, speciellt barnläkare, liksom för motiverade lekmän som söker fakta och ordentlig vägledning, i stället för politiska program förklädda till vetenskapliga sanningar.” – Thomas E. Levy, läkare, jurist, specialist inom kardiologi och internmedicin”Jag tror att detta är den bästa enskilda boken i ämnet för en allmän läsekrets.”– Richard Moskowitz, läkare, specialist i allmänmedicin”Tack för denna mycket uppskattade och väl ansedda resurs; jag kommer fortsättningsvis att rekommendera denna bok både till föräldrar och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal.“– Susan McCreadie, läkare, specialist i pediatrikMed dr Mayer Eisensteins och Neil Z. Millers hjälp är det nu möjligt att fatta välgrundade vaccinbeslut.Om författarna:Dr Mayer Eisenstein, jurist och läkare med magisterexamen i folkhälsovetenskap, är medicinsk chef för Homefirst Health Services i Chicago. Dr Eisenstein har varit läkare, förlöst barn och erbjudit familjer förebyggande hälsovård i över 35 år.Neil Z. Miller, chef för Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute i New Mexico, är journalist med inriktning på medicinsk forskning och författare till flera böcker om vacciner.
Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots
Mayer Eisenstein Neil Z. Miller
The current schedule of recommended vaccines is so crowded that doctors give babies several shots during a single office visit -- up to eight vaccines all at one time. Parents -- and doctors -- often forget that vaccines are drugs. How often do we, as adults, take that many drugs at the same time? Would we be more surprised if we did or did not have an adverse reaction? Dr. Mayer Eisenstein has practiced medicine, delivered babies, and provided families with preventive healthcare services for over 35 years. This honest guide to childhood shots was written especially for concerned parents. With Dr. Eisenstein's help, it is now possible to make informed vaccine decisions. In this book you will learn... * The prevalence and seriousness of each disease, including who is most at risk. * How each vaccine is made, with a complete list of ingredients. * Side effects of each vaccine, with a summary of significant studies. * Precautions parents can take to protect their children. Includes Essential Information on Every Childhood Vaccine!
Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages
Sherri J. Tenpenny
The most comprehensive guide explaining how and why vaccines are detrimental to your and your childs health. At a time when the vaccine controversey is becoming increasingly hostile, this book offers an in-depth examination of how Saying No to Vaccines can save your and your childs life. Well respected, Dr. Tenpenny is an Internationally recognized expert and the first physician to offer documented proof that vaccines do compromise the immune system. Dr. Tenpenny has the courage and the determination to express a minority view, substantiating her work with citations directly from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) documents and respected, peer-reviewed journals, offering irrefutable facts that fly in the face of information generally regarded as truth in traditional medical circles.
Folkefiender - Om sannhetens pris og vitenskapens sjel
Trond Skaftnesmo
«Sannhetens og frihetens farligste fiender iblant oss, er den kompakte majoritet.»
Har disse ordene fra Henrik Ibsens drama En Folkefiende fortsatt gyldighet? Er majoriteten fortsatt like kompakt og unådig mot tidens ”folkefiender”?
Historisk kan de få som gikk på tvers av hovedstrømmen, takkes for mange kulturelle og vitenskapelige fremskritt. Et kjent eksempel er Ignaz Semmelweis, legen som viste hvordan barselfeber kunne hindres med enkel håndhygiene. Det var en oppdagelse han skulle få betale dyrt for. Autoritetene ville slett ikke innrømme at det var noe galt med deres praksis.
Mye er blitt bedre siden den tid. Men fortsatt finnes det kjetterforskere som forteller oss ubehagelige sannheter og som får svi for det. I denne boken presenteres tre slike forskere: Andrew Wakefield (vaksiner og autisme); Olle Johansson (stråling) og Arpad Pusztai (genmodifiserte organismer).
Hver på sin måte har alle tre opplevd å bli stemplet som ”folkefiender”. Om de har rett i sak, vil det få dramatiske konsekvenser for mange autoriteter. Og det vil for alltid endre vår fremtid.
What about Immunizations?: Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy
Cynthia Cournoyer
Answers 21 popular questions and explores difficult choices in the vaccine controversy. Shows why the benefits do not outweigh the risks of vaccination while exposing the cultural conditioning behind vaccine practices. This book is a practical guide to vaccine decision-making and shows why the vaccine philosophy is pervasive in our society. What About Immunizations? exposes the vaccine reactions and failures common to vaccines used today. This seventh edition is fully revised and updated. Bibliographical references and index are included.